Keynote Presentations


DC Power Distribution: a Technology Enabler for Energy Transition

Dr. Cathy Yao Chen
ABB, Business Area Research Manager - Electrification

To meet the net-zero targets by 2050, Airbus has ambition to develop a hydrogen powered aircraft by 2035. For hydrogen to have adequate volume density it requires liquefaction to cryogenic temperatures. This gives us the opportunity to bring in new disruptive technologies such as superconductivity and cryogenic cooling for electrified aircrafts. After showing the feasibility with the Advanced Superconducting and Cryogenic Experimental powertraiNDemonstrator (ASCEND), Airbus UpNext has launched a more challenging CryoProp demo to mature technology. In this keynote, we will show the roadmap for electrification with key focus on ASCEND and CryoProp developments.

Short Bio
Cathy Yao Chen is the global Business Area Research Manager for ABB Electrification, focusing on research and innovation strategy and roadmap in electrification products and solutions, to accelerate energy transition for a more sustainable and resource-efficient future. Cathy holds a PhD degree in Power System and Automation from Beijing Jiaotong University, China. Since 2008 she had been working in various areas within electrical systems and industrial applications, from renewable generation to grid automation solutions, from power and energy conversion to integrated energy systems.


Empowering the Energy Transition: The Crucial Role of Power Electronics for Power System Stability

Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Just
50Hertz Transmission, Team Lead Large Projects & Stability Analysis

Power converters play a crucial role in system stability due to the massive integration of renewable energies in the power system. New ancillary services and grid code requirements such as inertia, grid-forming control and fast fault current are the enabler for stable system operation with 100% renewables. It requires a major industry- and research-wide commitment to overcome the remaining technical, regulatory and economic challenges. The German transmission system operators accept these challenges and have strengthened their efforts in recent years to achieve their goal of a safe and stable system operation with 100% renewables.

Short Bio
Hendrik Just received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Technical University of Berlin in 2015 and 2021, respectively. His doctoral research interests were grid converters, grid-following / grid-forming controls and large-signal stability in weak grids. 2020 he joins the strategic grid-planning department of 50Hertz Transmission and since 2023 he leads the team large projects & stability analysis. He is responsible for stability analyses, grid codes and the pre-studies / specifications of HVDC, offshore grid connections and StatCom regarding system concept, control behavior, simulation models and studies.


Superconductivity & Cryogenics for Future Electric Aircraft Propulsion

Dr. Ravi Kiran Surapaneni
Airbus UpNext, Technical Lead for CryoProp

To meet the net-zero targets by 2050, Airbus has ambition to develop a hydrogen powered aircraft by 2035. For hydrogen to have adequate volume density it requires liquefaction to cryogenic temperatures. This gives us the opportunity to bring in new disruptive technologies such as superconductivity and cryogenic cooling for electrified aircrafts. After showing the feasibility with the Advanced Superconducting and Cryogenic Experimental powertraiN Demonstrator (ASCEND), Airbus UpNext has launched a more challenging CryoProp demo to mature technology. In this keynote, we will show the roadmap for electrification with key focus on ASCEND and CryoProp developments.

Short Bio
Ravi Kiran Surapaneni currently Leads the Technical Team of the CryoProp Demonstrator in Airbus UpNext, focused on developing superconducting and cryogenic powertrain for future electric aircrafts. Ravi Kiran holds a master’s degree in Power Electronics and Electric Drives from IIT Roorkee, and a Ph.D. degree from the National University of Singapore. Since 2012, he held several academic and industrial roles focused on developing technologies for Renewable energy, Data centers & Electrical aviation.


The Impact of EV Charging on the Electrical Grid

Christian Ebert
Hitachi Energy Germany AG, Global Solution Manager Transportation

EV Charging is just at the beginning, the challenge ahead is the ramp up of eTrucks and the electrification Non Road Mobile Machinery especially for mines.

Overview on developments of Charging Standards CCS, MCS, R-MCS and X-MCS up to 12 MW charging power

Impact on the grid with Germany as an Example, investments and timeline for a successful transition

Short Bio
1991 – Finished Study of Electrical Engineering at RWTH Aachen

1992 - started at ABB in sales and projects for Large Power Transformers and High Voltage Cables, followed by an assignment in the Philippines for three years and various positions as Manager Sales and Projects in the transformer business at Siemens and ABB

2020 to present - Global Solution Manager Transportation at Hitachi Energy


Future of Renewable Energy Systems

Dr. Jürgen Reinert
CEO SMA Solar Technology AG

The unprecedented growth of renewable energy we have seen over the last years clearly paves the way to an all-electric society. To make this vision come to life, the intelligent integration of electricity production, storage, distribution and consumption is needed more than ever. Power electronics are at the heart of this development and a key success factor to further electrify industry processes, transport, heating and cooling.

Short Bio
After studying electrical engineering in South Africa, Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Reinert (b. 1968) received his doctorate at the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) at RWTH Aachen, Germany, and began his career as Chief-Engineer there. From 1999 to 2011, he worked for Emotron AB in Sweden, in the last years as Co-CEO with responsibility for Technology and Operations. From 2011 to 2014, as Executive Vice President, he was responsible for the division Power Plant Solutions at SMA. Under his leadership, SMA was successful in expanding its worldwide project business and developing turnkey system solutions for large-scale PV power plants. Since April 2014, Dr. Reinert has been a member of the Managing Board. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer in October 2018. Dr. Reinert is responsible for Strategy, Research & Development, Operations, the three Business Segments as well as Sales & Service, Communication & Sustainability and Human Resources. He is a member of the Supervisory Board at Danfoss A/S.


Sustainable Transformation:  Sustainable Power Electronics in Industrial Applications

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Hellinger
Siemens AG, Head of Company Core Technology and Center of Competence Power Electronics

This presentation emphasizes the importance of sustainable power electronics in the transition to an all-electric society. We will explore strategies and methods to achieve carbon neutrality and maximize energy and resource efficiency, focusing on cutting-edge technologies, processes, and products. Highlighting examples of collaborative efforts within ecosystems, we will showcase successful partnerships among academia, research institutes, start-ups, SMEs, and industrial partners. These approaches are designed to meet evolving customer needs and drive sustainable innovation in the power electronics sector.

Short Bio
Rolf is an acknowledged Power Electronics expert and driver of breakthrough innovation. Not surprising, then, that he is one of only 13 Top Innovators honored by the Siemens Managing Board for his outstanding achievements. After graduating from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology with a master’s degree in electrical engineering and information technology, he received his PhD from the Berlin University of Technology with his work on unconventional electrical drive systems. He lectures at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen on power electronics for autonomous systems and at the Dresden University of Technology’s Institute for Electric Railways, where he was appointed honorary professor in 2007. He is a member of several scientific advisory boards and serves on the Board of Directors of the European Center for Power Electronics.

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